Hi! My name is Ana Paula Salas Moreira. I am a Mexican photographer and journalist based in Pamplona, Spain. I would say I have three passions in life: IMG_0612_polarr
The first one is writing, which I started doing it (or at least trying to do it) when I was quite young. I even have some attempts of journals back from when I was four years old. But I don’t do journals anymore. Nowadays, I mostly write essays or articles; and, when I’m really feeling myself, I write short stories and poems.
My second passion is photography. I started snapping photos when I was nine. I was visiting Europe for the first time and my mom gave me her old compact camera as a gift. Right then and there I knew I wanted to live my life exploring and taking pictures of beautiful places. Yet, it wasn’t until college that I started to think of photography as a profession. I realized then that journalism could mix both of my passions into one (and I could actually make a living out of it).
And, finally, my third passion is traveling. To be honest, I’ve been quite lucky to be able to move around a lot. During the past five years I’ve discovered some amazing places in Latin America, Europe and Asia. Clearly, I have taken a pen, a notebook, and –most importantly– my camera the whole time. So I have a lot of stories to tell (or rather show). I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.
If you have any comments or inquiries, you can reach me through social media or with this contact form.